How is Sicura different from other tools on the market?

Many products on the market scan and assess your environment, while others offer the ability to enforce or remediate some failures, but we do all of the above. We are the only out-of-the-box solution which provides continuous enforcement of compliance policies while also tying in actionable data directly to scan results.

What problem does Sicura solve?

Without a standard and repeatable process for compliance, system configurations will inevitably drift over their lifetime. What initially may have started off as a compliant system may severely fail audits months or years down the road. Sicura removes the uncertainty of compliance drift by ensuring that your systems will always have the proper compliance policies applied to them.

Why would I need this?

Whether your organization has specific compliance regulations to meet based on your industry, or you are looking for best practices to apply to your IT infrastructure, Sicura can help.

Who is Sicura for?

Sicura was built for all layers of IT organizations as a complete compliance and configuration management solution. Operations and DevOps Engineers appreciate the access to all compliance and system-level configuration data while Security Professionals and Managers can quickly address issues or generate reports to track compliance health.

What is compliance?

Compliance is the foundation of trust on which cybersecurity is built. Without a compliant baseline, other cybersecurity efforts can be nullified by basic attacks that standard compliance can help prevent.

Is Sicura a scanner?

Sicura contains open source scanners, and provides integration with other popular evaluation tools such as CIS-CAT, in order to allow you to evaluate your compliance. Sicura takes the results generated by those scanners and gives you the ability to act instantly on any findings either by one-click remediation or by access to the data that allows you to continuously enforce and monitor any compliance requirement.

Does Sicura work in cloud environments or on-premises?

Both! Sicura is infrastructure agnostic and works seamlessly in a number of cloud environments, physical data centers, or a hybrid environment of both.

Is Sicura agent-based or agent-less?

Sicura was initially developed as an agent-based solution for continuous compliance enforcement, but has now been adapted to work in either an agent-based or agent-less configuration.

What compliance standards can Sicura help me address?

Sicura provides profiles for a number of common compliance standards and requirements such as the DISA STIGs, NIST 800-53, NIST 800-171, PCI-DSS, CIS Benchmarks, CMMC, GDPR, SOX, HIPAA, as well as custom organizational policies and rules.

Can Sicura help me pass my audits?

Absolutely! Sicura can provide both scheduled and on-demand scans. Additionally, Sicura has built-in reporting so that you not only have a clear picture of your compliance posture at any time, but can also generate reports to support internal and independent audits.

What operating systems do you support?

Sicura supports Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016, and Windows Server 2019. Sicura also supports RedHat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7, 8, CentOS 7, 8, and Oracle Enterprise Linux 7, 8.

I'm intrigued. Now what?

Book a demo with our team. We’ll show you how the product works, learn how Sicura could work with your system, and set up a Proof of Concept so you can see the product in action. Our average time from demo to full deployment is 6 weeks. Get in touch today!